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Swift Weather (Meteorology) Application with REST API
Introduction to Weatherbit
1 Introduction WeatherbitIO (4:54)
2. Installing 3rd party lybraries (9:41)
3. Weatherbit io details (11:04)
4. getting current weater on browser (5:07)
5 Assets
Working with Models
5 Creating CurrentWeater class (8:53)
6 Current weater private and public vars (6:05)
7 current weater setting the vars from json (11:22)
8 finishing current weather class (13:43)
9 hourlyForecast class part 1 (7:37)
10 hourly forcast 2 (10:19)
11 hourly forcast 3 (6:01)
12 testing hourlyWeatherForecast (5:06)
13 weekly weather forecast (13:04)
Custom Weather View
14 WeatherView UI (9:38)
15 Weather view connections (8:06)
16 WeatherView UI part 1 (7:35)
17 WeatherView UI part 2 (8:54)
18 WeatherViewConnections (5:01)
19 Weather view initilizer (8:45)
20 Testing weatherView (6:30)
21 Showing current weather (10:22)
22 Current weather test run (4:07)
Weather UI
23 hourlyWeather cell UI and code (10:28)
24 Generate cell for Hourly weather (5:38)
25 infoCollectionViewCell (12:47)
26 WeatherTableViewCell (10:25)
27 Register cells with tablevie and collectionView (6:39)
28 TableView and collection view data sources (11:51)
Getting Weather from API
29 Getting Weather from API (7:26)
30 calling functions to download weather (8:19)
31 Fixing UI background colors (4:05)
32 Fixing scroll view bug (3:15)
33 Setup Weather Info (10:32)
34 Adding weatherInfo items (8:58)
Updating model
35 Making model dynamic (8:47)
36 Making model dynamic part 2 (6:29)
37 Test dynamic weatherLocation (5:29)
Working with locations
38 All Locations UI (11:28)
39 Parsing CSV part 1 (7:01)
40 Parsing CSV part 2 (10:54)
41 ChooseCity table view. functions (9:57)
42 Search controller setup (6:44)
43 Searching with search contorller (10:05)
44 Save and load from user defaults (9:53)
45 Encoding and decodint Weather Locations (7:56)
46 dimissing view on selection (9:28)
47 ChooseCityVCDelegate (14:08)
48 Loading locations from User defaults (6:28)
49 MainWeatherCustomCell (10:39)
50 City temp data struct (5:12)
51 tableviewData source and delegate (11:58)
52 Delete Location from User defaults (6:23)
53 Weather View Controller location manager (10:05)
53.1 Requesting authorization to use location (6:05)
54 LocationService class (9:42)
55 Getting locations from User defaults (14:29)
Updating Weather View controller
56 create and add weatherViews to scrollView (12:10)
57 Testing the application with multiple weather locations (5:35)
58 Page Control part 1 (6:35)
59 Page Control part 2 (2:22)
60 Generating cityTempData for each location (9:06)
61 passing CityTempData to all locations VC (11:31)
62 Bug fixing with city name (4:27)
63 AllLocations delegate (10:30)
64 Bug fixing (11:38)
65 test run to see if refresh works (5:23)
Temperature format options
66 Adding Temp format segment (5:41)
67 Saving and loading temp format from user defaults (7:28)
68 Test run to check temp segment (3:07)
69 Setting temp format based on settings (8:51)
70 Test Run dynamic format check (4:08)
71 Fixind dynamic temp format bug (14:58)
72 final test run and closing note (1:48)
6 Current weater private and public vars
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