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SwiftUI Multiplayer Tic-Tac-Toe game
Game setup and development
1. Creating HomeView (12:36)
2. Home View refactoring with MVVM (7:02)
3. GameView part1 (9:35)
4. GameView part2 building the grid (6:47)
5. GameView part3 refactoring with MVVM (7:40)
6. GameView part4 Loading Indicator (5:07)
7 GameViewModel setup (7:13)
8. Game logic and Model Setup (15:27)
9. Creating Game object and testing the board (17:05)
10. Check for draw and win patterns (9:23)
11. Check For win function (10:03)
12. Saving and retreaving user object from memory (16:10)
13. Adding firebase with swift package manager (16:34)
14. Firebase helpers setup (13:27)
15 FirebaseService startGame func (22:24)
16 CreateGame functions (9:09)
17 Creating first game in firestore (13:07)
18. Delete game function (8:44)
19 Updating the game function (8:47)
20. Listen for changes and update the game (18:59)
21 Check player to identify them by X:O mark (11:41)
22 Creating Alert object (8:35)
23 Showing alerts to user (14:05)
24 Reset game function (12:11)
25 Game Notifications (14:18)
Source code
11. Check For win function
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